Saturday, September 12, 2015

Brushes with the death star.

Brushes with the death side.

Thinking back on my life I am amazed that I survived at all. Brushes with the death side of things came early on in my life. About two or three years in to life we were camping near Flaming Gorge. Not sure as to the details but the story is I tripped and fell as most young kids do. Not landing in the best of places but landing none the less in the fire. Came out good in the end considering that we where miles from nowhere and no where close to a hospital.
One day a few years’ later (Maybe 4 years) walking across the road to home. Small toy rifle in hand I crossed the road not seeing the car. Toy flying from my hands and a blur passing fast. It was close and I didn’t even realize it was that much so until I was older. I would say this is brush number two but I can’t place the time frame on some of the things of the past.
With the time frame jumping as it has I also remember a large and rather mean rooster that attacked me in there some place. It leads more to the explanation of why I gag on eating meat of the fowl variety.
Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles and I have had some rather fright filled times as well. From rolling over to head on and in to the trees and brush on two wheels. Bicycles aren’t safe either.
Those that would think playing with ropes can be just as close of calls too. Smashed fingers and face, cracked helmets, and a few thrilling rope stops on occasion. Some would say I had a kind of death wish but I have thrived on adrenaline. Yes I would say it is one of the notches ya get in your walking stick born in to a family of thrill seekers. May have some light to shine on things when ya look at the other self destructive behaviors I’ve had.

Yes ya have to add in the water and snow skiing, snowboarding, and tubing/sledding with stories for another day.
Not forgetting the one big one and the numerous other times of being burned and zapped by the wired monster called electricity. The big zap will take a post of its own. People often talk about the things they see in half way passing to the other side. It is a thing you don’t soon forget and most of the time try too.

It is the stuff that we fear most that we often hide and run from. Yes there have been many brushes and near passes to the other side. But knowing as I do now the love of a very loving God. I have come to not fear the reaper so to speak but have some peace. I do know that I was saved for some reason and still aloud to be here. Although life can give us a pretty wild ride, all we can do is sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride.

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