Saturday, July 22, 2017




Some know me very personally but many just glance in the direction of this page now and again. So here is my run down. I’m a seasoned gent that on occasion has some time on my hands. I’ve been call a bunch of names but Hun, Papa, and Crazy Soul are my favorites. I’m a Christian and love God with most of my heart. The part of my heart that isn’t placed on God is reserved for my wife. So ya do get a dose of I love her and relationship gooey stuff in there. After almost three decades together we are well connected with each other.  I have walked a path with recovery from darkness and addiction. I counsel many in changing their path of life for the better. I have moved around some but at present live in a small house by a Hollar just a short hop from some grand kiddies. I like to spend time in the outdoors and play with the peeps we call the crazies. Yes, I like a good laugh now and then too. Every now and again I post from my blog some thoughts and some stories with maybe just a little bit of McManus style of embellishment. So, enjoy. Feel free to share with those around you.