Saturday, December 22, 2018


Do you ever think about some of the craziness of the way we go about living life? We race the clock only to try and relax when the rush of things is over. Chilling out is kind of a novelty to seventy percent of the world. How do you define chilling out also? For many it is feet up and sitting in front of a very big screen. Others maybe a good nap. Some reading an interesting article or book. Some others in a chair near a mountain lake or stream. Maybe even by a toasty warm fire with a loved one sharing a good blanket. Even the special kind of chilling out cuddles and hugs from a grandkid or four.

For many years we have been chilling out camping in the backcountry. Not always considered chilling out for some peeps in this life. We often spend hundreds if not thousands of dollars to go live like a nomad or homeless person in the hopes that we can connect with the earth and maybe reset our internal body clock. I have heard many comments on just this kind of activity. “No sleeping in the woods for me, there are bears and snakes out there, but there's no Wi-Fi, my skin and hair don't mix well with dirt and campfire smells, and so on. Then there is the flip side of the comments. Woke up early and the sun rise was just breathtaking, ate breakfast watching the deer and elk wandering past, caught the biggest one of them all today, and the best one, I haven't missed my alarm clock one bit.

They say even a bad day fishing beats a good day at work. I get that not everyone chills out with rod and reel but hopefully ya see the digs of it. So, what is it that gets your chill on? For some it maybe a combo thing with chill and thrill too. Yeah. Ya have to go there to be there. Rappelling a waterfall, catching a northern Pike and nearly breaking a pole, or jumping from a plane and trusting a sheet of fabric to let ya down slowly. Think of it may be riding the biggest rollercoaster or floating the lazy river. Skiing down a black diamond run in the steep and deep with untracked powder. Dropping off the K12 so to speak (so of you 80’s peeps may remember that one).

Take that time however you must and live life. If not, we only look back on things, we regret that we didn't do more fully than the things we do. Granted I have a few do’s that may have been a well you shouldn't have done that but I'm more guilted by why “dint's”. So, ski, fish, and yes even nap so you feel chilled and leave fewer what ifs.