Sunday, November 1, 2015

Deep spiritual enlightenment.

I'm reminded of a truth that I faced some years ago. We each must find our faith over fear. Find ourselves in deep spiritual enlightenment. Some may come to that point by small and simple fashion but many of us traveled through some deep canyons of hell and rock bottom to fully understand. Stumbling and falling is not fun but the lessons learned are very much priceless indeed. Finding the solid foundation in a loving Savior and know him personally to know where we ultimately choose to be in our life. Rarely do we find other people that except us the way the Savior does. God is great and loves us! It took me a long time to learn this and I can honestly say that I have so much more to learn and understand of how the power of God can and does work in our lives. I admit that it is very difficult and fear filled to turn our lives and our will over to the trust and care of God. But that willingness can change us by helping us to change our flaws of character and makes us in to something more than we could do on our own. Have a blessed day. Many fight the Devil/Dragon in fights for their souls. Much of these battles are not seen but others yet are real just the same. I pray daily for those that battle with the dragon in their lives to win. Put on that armor and yield a sword. And Fight! Have a great day friends!

1 comment:

  1. These are pearls Dave I pray I can hear them beyond my eyes and ears and make them who I now only pretend to be.
    Every day I feel like an actor in my own play, a tragedy or a victory depends on me and my own fight with the dragon.
    Thank you for bringing these words to light where they might provide direction to many a lost traveler.
