Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Brown paper bags.

Brown paper bags.

I have been accused of being on one side or the other of the political debate but be it known that I side with none of them. Truth be told I consider politicians to all be in somewhat the same kind of packaging in one way or another. That is right call them what they are bags. Whether it is carpet bags, dirt bags, scum bags, brown bags, douche bags, free bags, dirty laundry bags, trash bags, flea bags, etc. I am kind of like one of those ancient Greeks that liked a show of fight to the finish in the old colosseums. I would of course prefer that none of them win or come out of it alive and it be a total elimination of the participants. Some would want to argue the point of this side is the best or this is the worst and to that I do not debate because they are all politicians. Some of histories finest leaders did so not for gain but to help the true cause of man and the need to be free. Be it as it is we do have possibly a few that start out to be on the right side of freedom but somewhere along the way find power and it grabs them and their egos and drops them in to dark thinking. Yes, there be few who try even at that to always do the right thing but remain the ever increasing few.

Be it to some that voting is of useless nature and that it doesn’t change the course of things I say not true. It is when good men do nothing that evil prospers. As told a few years ago a good religious leader was said to of told a friend that said he wasn’t going to vote. The friend said why vote for the lesser of two evils, because it is still evil. The good leader said vote for the best choice you can see and let God work his hand in making what he can. By not voting we thus allow the greater of evil to rein instead. Being a now constitutional right not seen in many days of past, vote.
 Although many claim that most religious organizations force their hand in the political arena, people still have their agency to vote accordingly. Many still forget that this country was founded on the basic freedoms we have driven by the desire for religious freedom. Don’t ever think for a minute that the drafters of the constitution believed that God did not have a part in their work. In a time when we as a people forget and throw out The Bill of Rights, The Constitution, and The Declaration of Independence and think that we can easily return to being free without the help from Devine intervention in any amount. The thought of repeating history when we either don’t know it or fail to understand it is a fact of the down fall of nations of greatness. We should in no way under estimate the powers of evil and to hold it can have on the hearts of men. Rome wasn’t built in a day but it fell within only just few days.

Remember that to denounce war is saintly but to shun those that stand for us should it be placed upon us is a disgraceful act. During the revolutionary war of the United States of America there were many that protested fighting from leaving the allegiance for the king of England. Many of them suffered at the hands of both sides and they were often considered deserters where ever they were by both sides. Many good people I know serve or have served in the armed forces. I thank you greatly and yes they are under paid and under appreciated by far.

 While I am here I will put it out there also that most if not all law enforcement get a bad rap from a few that choose to not act in a proper fashion with their jobs. For the most part all of them try to do the right thing and be as good as they can possibly be under the circumstances they face day in and day out. There are many that are close friends of mine. There are some people who would like you to believe they are singled out, but all lives matter to someone whether it is a parent, child, spouse, uncle, aunt, grand parent, grand child, or friend. We hope that each day they are safe from those with not so good of intent. There are many unsung heroes of every day to add to this like Fire fighters, nurses, etc.
Remembering the past should if anything helps us to not throw away our future. Stand for freedom and right but stand for a just cause. As Moroni of old said “In memory of our God, our religion, and freedom, and peace, our wives, and our children (Alma 46:12).

May we always cherish our freedom and work to stay free!

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