Thursday, July 21, 2016

What’s up with that?!

What’s up with that?!

In the years that social media has been around there are some things that I have seen, found, agree with, and feel to be needed with it. So here it goes peeps. By all means keep in mind I’m a dabbler with this too. With this I add up front that I had some helpful thoughts and ideas with this rant of sorts from some friends and family. Here it goes……..

Posting items and comments: Something’s are not worth the re-share. I mean really! Look at the content of the message is it surrounded by things that are not very noteworthy. Does it have derogatory, vulgar, obscene, or hateful terms? If so maybe your friends would like it better if you didn’t add it to cross their news feed. You could at best fix it up some when possible. I admit there are items that with some fixing can put the intended message a crossed but leave the ugh out of the share. Keep in mind I have seen many a post in the years I have been on the net. Ya’ll might note that some of the items are not obvious on the page. The comments add to a post or about a post can add to or seriously subtract the point of the post also. More about comments to come on this rant of mine. I would add to this the hash tag drop too. Two may be tree are not seen as far out there but adding more than five may very well put peeps to sleep. Pictures are great but if you want your friends out there to see the pics as you intended it add some explanation to it or for all the others in the world your dear aunt Martha is just some elderly lady you have a pic of. I say that laughing because on many occasion someone has shared a profile pic of me with no descriptive explaining and so others are left to wonder if one of us fell down and bumped our heads.

Sharing filters: Not everyone has this figured out yet but it is a common thing. There are different settings to specifically target the people we want to see the items we present on our pages (Each media page and linking is different in set up). Some if not most have settings like public, friends, restricted, group geared, close friends, and just me. So let me try to use as few of crayons as possible to explain this. If something is “public” at the start and you share it everyone on your friends will see it if you share it with the “public” share option. There is usually a drop down menu for the option either at the top or bottom of the item as you go to share it. Now if the item is marked as “friends” before sharing it will be friends of the person you are friends with only when shared via the “friends” share option. Mind you the only way this can be changed from “friends” to “public” is for the person that posted the originating post to change it. If you share an item that is originally “friends” only and put it as “public” it remains “friends” only. Why would this be a big deal to know any of this? Well there are postings that peeps try to share with a group and if the setting is not “public” the posting has “Attachment Unavailable” a crossed the posting. As for the other settings I will just briefly hit them. Group geared means those in a group will see your posting as long as you set the filter to public share and the item is public or you have complete rain of it. Restricted and close friends are groups of friends you set up on your friends list. Of course the just me is a no brainer.
Selfies and look I don’t know how to dress: I could see a selfie now and then with some kind of super cool things around you and no help to run the camera. Group combo selfies are kind of a given but don’t over bore your friends because then they may see you in a whole now look as somewhat narcissistic. Now about the dress thing some pics go without saying you should may be add a few clothes. Just say’n!

Comments and replying: as much as some peeps could use a bit of schooling on some things giving a piece of your mind may very well be an expression of your social skill level. I saw the other day a thrashing on a post by a few peeps over an idea that I’m pretty sure they all took the wrong way. Now mind you I did my best as I could not to side jump the situation but had it been a group or page that I mediate or administer I would had nipped it in the bud. By jumping up and down on some ones post you can very well come a crossed as mean, and rude. Plus, I would add if names get flying you can come across as narcasistical also. I would say comments and reply posting are pretty much the same items. If someone is asking for help and fishing for information to better view something adding comments with links is a good thing to add illustrations to the item but do not add to shove a point it drops your level on the field. I heard it put once in a kid’s movie “If you can’t say something nice don’t say nothing at all”.

Liking and adding Emoji’s: I would say if it is a good thing let someone know you’re ok with it. There are many more ways of expressing things now that we didn’t have a number of years ago to express like, dislike, love it, and so on. You can express a lot just in the one click that it makes words kind of useless. Be careful as to the kinds of things also because by adding a face sticking out the tongue it can get the wrong expression in some countries of the world. Now there is a thought here also considering there is a few variations for narcissism. Unless your posting is super unique in some way my kids have told me it is not good to like all of your own postings. Some peeps may be on their small screen and not be paying attention to the listing as it comes up on a news feed. If so you are forgiven for that.

Friend requests: Yes, this is an interesting linking for us all. I see a dozen or so requests each week for people all over the world. I don’t mind having friends everywhere and it adds perspective to the news feed. However, unless we have meet in person in order for me personally to feel ok with adding someone I kind of like to know more than the name of the person. Send a message with enough information to allow someone to know it is not a hacker or troll. Keep in mind that not all settings on your page lets someone see your time line etc.

Messaging: I see often peeps post that they have a new phone and number. Then they add the number in the post for the world to see. Keep in mind where your share settings are for the post. If it is public the world has your number and anything else your sharing. Best to put somethings in a message.

Final thoughts: I would say be cautious in what and how things appear on you pages due to the difficulty to back up once you have gone with something. The digital foot print that we drop as bread crumbs can show up in places we would not care to have them. I read a while ago about someone that decided to change things on their social media pages but thy were viewed already as someone fully vested in a rut to the point they could not just change things over night. They suggested that you have three options in this, one was to gradually curve the posts you share back some, second was to drop all social media for an extended period of time, and third was to drop off the grid until any one that knows you at all has passed on. It can be a great thing peeps to share with your family, friends, and the people out there that you have connected with in some way. Use it to better the world, raise awareness, change the way we see things, open our minds and hearts to the good. 

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