Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Closing Doors and Windows in Life.

Closing doors and windows in life.

 We often close doors in our life because something happens and we think that by closing off others from us we free us from pain. We close doors on one person but unintended we close windows on many others at the same time. It is in frustration, anger, jealousy, puffed up pride, and among others. We think that it is only the doors that we close that will just hurt or effect one or two. That in some cases could very well be but there are always windows involved. Do we think of the windows when we close the doors? Not very often. I write about doors and windows because it seems to fit the situation. Doors are those people that shut others out because they may feel the situation they are in has left them no choice. So they close the door on the people in their lives that that probably need to keep closer than ever in their lives. Really this is about the windows that get closed and sometimes cracked and broken. Why is that and who are these windows? These are the spouses, children, close friends, grandparents, siblings, parents, and many others.

 How does this happen? Think if two siblings have a friction occurrences and the door between them gets closed. They are the doors in this picture. The windows that close because of the two doors can change how they feel about those directly connected to the doors. This can pit in-laws vs. in-laws, cousins vs. cousins, and spread from generation to generation. This thing has created canyons between nations and wars. I have seen situations with families that they become so divided that they can’t recall why they are separated in the first place. Think of it two cousins that are close friends and their parents that are siblings at odds. Think how far it can and does spread. I see people close doors and windows in situations in work environments, social media, church, political partisan and more. And over the things that mean really nothing when you look at the years they may have known each other.

 I heard it put once “If you’re going to burn a bridge look at the size of the river should you choose to cross back and need that bridge again.” Not that we should close doors and burn bridges each and every day. But consider what it may take to rebuild that bridge or forge that river at some point. Consider also when you burn a bridge the sparks may often find their way to the trees around them. Those trees are what we may need to rebuild the bridges. So to say the windows and the trees are some in the same. So say you drop a group of people from a list on social media in a rage of anger and or frustration.  Or someone lashes out in comments at someone that the things they post are wrong because it shows people doing something that they feel strongly are against them. When in reality maybe they where wronged by one person in their life and they choose to generalize that all the people that look like them are a problem also. Thus also pushing others out of the windows in their life and closing them out. You may very well get a few added back in there without a lot of hassle but many of them will be much harder to coax back. Some may never come back. Some of those persons may never open it up for us to be back on their list because we have darkened their trust of us.

 So you look at the doors in our lives and are we closing them hastily or do we think about the windows that we may crack and shatter as we close them. Do we honestly really know the windows we have closed and changed? If you have closed those doors do you simply just open them and go on as if nothing has happened?  Not very likely. But changing the course of things can be done. Two words can start it “I’m Sorry!” Maybe the hardest of any problem is to admit that we made a mistake. Swallowing pride is rather tough when there is some fowl to eat in doing so. I would suggest some catsup to maybe make it easier. By catsup I mean prayer. Asking Gods help in rebuilding things is a great way to start. Otherwise you will need a lot more than some special sauce to eat that Crow. Doors and windows should only be closed to keep the hot or cold weather out. Placing forgiveness on the table of life for those that are needing it in our lives without conditions can free us to move forward. Even if we feel that they may not fully deserve it either. Whether that forgiveness is accepted doesn’t matter. What matters is that we do it.

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