Friday, December 9, 2016

Of what can I give.

~Of what can I give.~

This and some other times of the year we often ask of ourselves what we can give to others. We try many times to spend a lot to give gifts that have a large amount of value either to the world standard or that the receiver will value our gift. Most of the time we overlook the best of gifts that are so simple but some of the hardest to give. Simply put the most valuable gifts are the ones without a monetary value that can be placed upon them. I will list a few and outline what I see as the important part of them.

Gift of- Forgiveness.
One of the hardest to pull off on every level. One of the best ways to fix lives and families. Relationships with others can be some of the most important things we have. If there are things awry with people find a way to either, make things right or take steps to change the course of the conflict. This and many gifts like it cannot in no wise be valued as its value is of the heart. We often hope that conflicts, friction, and ill feelings go away on their own. “And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you”. Ephesians 4:32 “We made a list of all the persons we may have harmed and where possible without causing more harm to make amends”- step 8 of 12.

Gift of- Gratitude.
Not every situation we have in life is perfect and the best but we can find some part of it to be grateful for. So, we may not have the finest car, the biggest house, the perfect head of hair, or even the latest and greatest phone but we probably have at least three persons that love us. If you’re like any one you have struggles and things that trip us up with life. Yet what we have is often things that some in the world are praying for in one way or another. Thank others that serve us but most especially thank God for where we are and the good in our lives. “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful”. -Colossians 3:15

Gift of- Repentance.
We all have things that hold us back for the best of life. Sometimes we hold on to things to the point of not just holding us back but our family and friends as well. Sometimes we are convinced that it is only our problem but fail to see the small print that effects those people in our live that we may love and respect. If there is something that maybe we have done or been a part of removing it from our backs can set us free to enjoy a closer bond with those around us. I think of it as a gift because of that freedom of mind and soul. “But as oft as they repented and sought forgiveness, with real intent, they were forgiven”. - Moroni 6:8

Gift of- Acceptance.
Be accepting of those around us. We may not always agree with the way someone lives, feels, or believes but we can be accepting of them just the same. We can be nice about it also. We are however we look at it Children of a loving God that would very much be happy if we could find the things we have in common and use that common ground to be empathetic to others. Even when others have done things that may not be right with laws of the land or God we can still accept them as a daughter or son of God.  ” I think we should all be tolerant of each other and embrace each other’s' strengths and differences and uniqueness and beauty”. -Martina McBride

Gift of- Kindness
We can never tell what is happening with other people that we meet or associate with each day. Some are struggling with things in their life, some may well be struggling to like themselves, and they may well be dealing with stuff the best they know how. Give them the gift of understanding and kindness. “Be kind. Be grateful that God is kind.” -Jeffery R. Holland

Gift of- Service.
Doing things for others whether or not they could do it for themselves is a gift that changes both the giver and the recipient. Some of the greatest of leaders were great because they could lead but also served the people they were leading. What may seem to be small to the giver can mean the world to others. It may not always be convenient be those are the times that we can grow from the experience. "Service doesn't have to be big and grandiose to be meaningful and make a difference." -Cheryl A. Esplin “Generally speaking, the most miserable people I know are those obsessed with themselves; the happiest people I know are those who lose themselves in the service of others. By and large, I have come to see that if we complain about life, it is because we are thinking only of ourselves.” -Gordon B. Hinckley

Gift of- Time.
Time is the same for everyone and we are all given the same twenty-four hours in a day. Yes, we can get caught up in life and get busy. The short moments that we have when spent doing the simple but meaningful things with others like reading a book to a four-year-old, playing with a handful of small toys with a one year old or hiking with a group of teenagers. It is not the monetary value but the value of time that touches the heart. Give of your time! "Children will not remember you for the material things you provided, but for the feeling that you cherished them.” -Richard L. Evans

Give of the heart and be as Christ for he could have given to others all that money could buy but he gave instead the gift most valuable of his heart. Make Christmas and every day of our lives a Christ centered event. God is great and loves all of his children. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have ever lasting life.” John 3:16

Monday, December 5, 2016

Smile friend’s life is worth living!

Let me take a few moments to outline a short look at some of my life. Like many I could say I “was born of goodly parents”. Somewhere along the path of life I stumbled a few times and found some addictive behaviors that also found me. Recovery from those times falling down is possible because I came to know and understand finally that God does in fact not hate me but loves me in spite of the flaws that I have. I have struggled a time or three with the darkness of soul to consider “Offing it”. So, I have an idea how much the Savior battled for me. As some people that know me a bit I have a liking for the musical sounds and feels of larger two wheeled scooting machines. Yes, some have come to know me on the adventures with packs and ropes sometimes referred to as “Death marches”. Yes, I do like music as well. As boring as it may sound I like to study history and geography. Not a math person so it is good I have people surrounding me good at it.  I am grateful for God’s love and mercy. Love of family and friends in spite of me being stubborn and an introvert and a half. Smile friend’s life is worth living!

Friday, December 2, 2016



Who would have thought it could possibly be about the Oreos?
While tripp’n the country with family we decided that the house needed checked on and my friend Mozie needed someone to fill him a bowl of food maybe some attention also. Of course, we made sure to stock the house with food etc. Being gone for a week and a half is a bit much to expect someone to look after the place by the Hollar. We asked our friend what kind of things needed to be added to the food stocking as we wanted there to be some things of the delicious nature for them. The only sure answer was Oreos and ice cream. I was expecting to be given a list of the usual things like pizza, soda, chips, and a bag or two of cereal. Keep in mind most peeps don’t want to put ya out with a list of crazy food items but I would want someone to feel welcome to take care of stuff and find food that looks good too. Having had peeps work for food in the past for me and me cook up some grilled items or meat loaf and thinking I somehow was being a cheap scape at that. Upon returning home I was trying to pay them for the helpful nature of things and was given the red light. I insisted that there must be some kind of fee for a job well done. We finally were able to agree on the remaining un-opened package of Oreos. I should add I have since purchased more of them and plan to give them to this friend too.

A small lesson to anyone know your worth. Granted a package of tasty treats may not be pricey but it allows someone to let you know that you are valued. Always except some treats you can always share them with someone else. People want you to know you are appreciated. Our value is not determined by the opinion of another. Oreos taste great!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Things don’t taste as they appear.

Things don’t taste as they appear.


Look at salt and sugar for example. They may appear to be the same but a short moment in the mouth and you can tell one from the other. We see something and without really knowing it we judge it to be what it appears to be and not always what it really is. Take a box of assorted chocolates they may all look very fine and truly edible. So ya bite in to one and discover that somehow the first look was wrong. Coverage of chocolate hides a lot. Some of those chocolates can be the best tasting Carmel sweets out there and others would be possibly something the dog drug home topped with chocolate. Keep this thought for a moment as I jump to another idea to tie to it.

So, for many years I spent leading young men as part of a calling for my church. Now many of the adventures we engaged in were crazy to put it on the well maybe safe side for you mother types that fear any activity. I will not name any one who was involved in the malarkey and shenanigans but many an adventure had its high lights with crazy moments. Now I would be the first to admit that I had some of the start of some of the fun like sledding down full mountains covered with snow to rappelling waterfalls, and cliff jumping into pools of water. With that being said there are twists in stories I’m certain by the time parents may get a word of it. I say that in sort of a disclaiming way as to the dangerous picture someone might get in there mind as to what may or may not have involved their young Johnny or Fred.
One day some years back a very out spoken parent just happens to catch me in the hallway of the church building and proceeds to enlighten me as to the idea that I was a rather bad influence on the youth of the area and therefore needed to change my ways. Mind you we had the week before been on one of those wild type adventures. As I was thus being lashed for my flaw of being way to adventuresome and unruly the thought hit me that maybe I should refer them and their concerns to the Bishop of the ward. Thinking it would end the situation quickly I said thanks for the concern and inched my way to the outside door and jetted to my car.
A few days later and the bishop being a friend and knowing me on more of a very personal level considering the talks we had been able to have many a time on a few of those activities and around a camp fire, talked with me about the situation. He had talked with the very concerned parent as to the nature of the need to change the leadership of the young men’s group of the church because of the bad influence I must surely be. The parent he said was questioned as to why I this bad person was even allowed to be near the youth. Truth came out the son had come house with some bruise from the last adventure. Now as to the way in which this must have happened was a mystery to me considering the young man had not seemed to disclose this at the time it happened or on us returning home. The Bishop and I got a good laugh considering the matter and how it could have been taken a different way as well with him knowing me very personally.

Many other posts would outline a different way in which I could be referred to as a bad influence. Had the parent possibly known the story of my life they very well would have had a different picture to add to the one they already had. Thus, to the statement of things do not always taste like they appear. We may seem to be so much different than people know what is under our covering. I could very well have done as some people and claimed to be offended but knowing the blind view that we have of many of the people we meet it would be pointless. The Bishop assured me that he was cool with things staying the same and that he didn’t think my rocky history was even something that they had a clue about. Some other point I should make is that we should be careful as to the way in which we state something to others because we never know to what way things come across to people. Yeppers, salt and sugar and assorted chocolates. Many a person may have thought of me a bad influence at some other time in life. Glad to be able to laugh at it now. Can we really see the difference in people or well we just aren’t sure? There are a fair number of people that we meet each day that we have no idea things about them personally.

 I add this too as an example. I was at a conference about teens nearing a year ago with my wife when someone we were talking with made mention of the idea of hopping some places or clubs. Him not knowing the nature of my past either. One of the by standers knowing me well enlightened the conversation about maybe it would not be good considering my past life experiences and it could be not good. The look on his face was one of oops. Skip a day and then we listen to a key note speaker about is death experience from a drug overdose and me talking with the speaker after and the person hearing our conversation of recovery and enlightenment. He tells me a few weeks later he wasn’t really sure what to say to me. It happens. I had to tell him all is good not everyone looks like what it seems or how we appear. So, it may not seem if you see someone dressed nice to find that they have things that don’t show underneath the layers of fine linen. A box of fine dipped chocolates. Remember sugar and salt.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Finding the place to be.

Finding the place to be.

Maps, compass, GPS, and maybe Google for directions and yet we can still get lost or even disoriented. Every day we find our way to the fridge, the car, and sometimes to our place of employment. We don’t often think how we get there or back but when we get lost we sure question why?
Recently we went on a trip to California among a few other stops. For the most part of the travel experience we had a really good idea where we were going. The three-ish hour drive to catch the plane went without a hitch. You know the loss of direction kind of hits you when you’re on a plane and it is surrounded by clouds and you can’t see much. I’m not a pilot but they for sure have to know something about flying without seeing land marks. To think if you’re on a plane and it is going four hundred plus miles per hour and you’re on there for two or so hours you could be in a bad way without good directions. You could end up some place a long way from your goal. For me it was somewhat shaky at times but all was great when we landed in Los Angeles. So, we made our way to the car rental via shuttle bus. Found a suitable car and off we go.

We thought we were on easy street until we realize the directions we had to get where we wanted were for the airport terminal. As my good wife explains it, we must have gone in a large circle with a few right turns. Now some of you can relate to this predicament for sure considering we are not in any way city folks. As us country liking peeps would say in the nice way. “We be in a bit of a pickle.” So, we parking lot hopped for a few yards to the Burger King on the corner. It was dark and we were by now on the edge of Hangery. Food helped and regrouping for some better direction of how to find our way to the 405 freeway. By now we had the street address for where we were and my daughter was attempting to enlighten the night with the GPS function of her phone. I had tried to use the app on my phone once at home and was still not sure I had it working right. With the daughter with the phone and some good directions from someone we talked to we found the freeway and eventually found our way to some friends place we have known for about two decades. So, ended our first day of travel (Wednesday).

Needing a sort of day with less crazy turns we ventured to a Museum that was easy to find for the most part. A short stop or two at the market and Wally-mart that were not too hard to find and not much out of the way. Shopping bags in California or the lack of them wow.  Only one wrong turn getting there but easy to turn around and find our way considering it was during the day this time. We spend the better part of the day wandering with awe at the Getty. A place filled with history, art, and gardens. The view from the hill top was great to see the expanse of the city. To some it may seem the scene of the same old and so what but to a country crazy soul it is something to behold. Leaves me no doubt as to why we got a bit turned around a bit some the night before. No problems getting back to our friends place this time.

Up early and trying to get going to the son’s wedding in the LDS temple. Gladly this time we had the address in the phone GPS and the daughter directing us as to where to go. Me I’m not driving. Me and driving in this crazy environment is not good for others in the car. So, I’m on the look for signs and blind spot crew. Back on to the freeway and hoping to find the traffic not too backed up. We are doing well and thinking we should maybe use the commuter lane but just about then we have a bunch of bikes fly past us and then a Corvette hops around us using the commuter lane as a passing lane. On second thought we are doing ok so never mind. With about fifteen miles to where we need to be we hope that everyone else is late so we can be close to ok on time. A few miles later and we notice the Vette is boxed in some and we pass it (probably one of the few times a small Versa does that). We finally get to the off ramp we need and are close to the time for this knot tying thing to be under way. As we are almost there we note a car that seems to be our friends in front of us. Mind you we left a good while ahead of them so this is crazy. Yep it is he took some back ways like a boss and made up the clock on it. Knowing where and how to skip some traffic is king in that town.  Good thing for good directions because there is no way to see even a large building like a temple from the freeway in that place. Thankfully the rest of the day went well getting to the restaurant for the lunch after and had some of our friends in the car with us to get back to their house. By now I have a pretty good idea how to get from the freeway to our friend’s place.

 Needless to say, the remainder of the last two days went a bit smoother finding the beach, light houses, and then retuning the car and getting to the airport. After an extremely bumpy ride back to Utah on the plane we wandered home by way of southern Utah first for an open house. I am glad that I have driven many a road in my days of living to find my way around my home state. There is a lot of highway between Provo and Cedar City and then back to Vernal.

Back to the Map Compass, GPS, and good directions. Thinking of life without some kind of guiding things would be a blind adventure. I think about some people of old that didn’t have a clue as to where or how to get some place. Story of a man named Lehi and the Liahona that gave his family direction. Then also those explores and pioneers that can westward with rough maps and compass on the directions of others. Having good people around you in your life is good to get through things that are tuff. Having key things to guide you are essential too finding your way also. Having the guidance of God, Prophets, scriptures, for maps and coordinates to keep us going in a good direction. I met a young man on this trip that had traveled many a road on the edge. He came in contact with some great people that helped him find direction and purpose. He may have had a few tumbles along the path of life but he knows who he is, why he is on this earth and that there is God and others to help him. We all often fall but we can keep going when we follow good directions. There have been a few times in my life that I got a bit off course but glad I found my way back to a straight and narrow path with a rod of iron to hold too.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

More than the world sees.

Many of you have known me for years very well. Others maybe not so deeply. Anyhow. I have for many years battled the likes of some invisible demons in my body. Yes, many would not have had the clue with the let’s do this outdoor crazy thing I would do but that is the look from the outside of the box. True we spent lots of time on adventures of great proportions that scared the likes of many. Plus, the many trips with youth groups that are wild. Crazy hiking adventures with a rope or two to make it interesting and add to the challenge. Pack trips to the wondrous places some people place on their bucket lists.

About age thirty-eight I started to notice that it took longer to recover from some of the crazy. Noticing the painful mornings came with a few years later. I brushed it off as just being wimpy and told myself to rub some dirt in it and suck it up (to barrow from my daughter). Finding limbs of the body going numb was not something I could just let go and let life happen. By mid-forties even some medical help was scratching their heads as to the things happening. I started to feel as though I was now Ralph the king of the lab rats. I had been tested for things from A to Z with not a lot of confirmation as to a link. I do now have some ideas and a few doctors noted items.

I have in the past ten years learned a lot about me and how to get around the fun of life with chronic illness. I tried many a doctor prescript and more cockamamie things that seem off the wall. I still get people trying to cure me now and then. Some have even told me I should try some of the cockamamie things I already did. Needless to say, I know what works for me to drag my Kester out of bed and at the very least find my way to the fridge. I do like food still which is cool. Don’t take away my dark chocolate! I have chilled out a lot from the grand adventures too.

Many of the world didn’t see me on those days after a grand adventure unable to move or want to see the brightness of the sun because of a pounding head and numb body. People often tell me the same old phrase “But you don’t look sick”. Some of you may understand that but for those that don’t look at the “Spoon theory” (link below).  It explains things in a very plain way that is easy to understand. Please no sorry stuff just be careful as you see people out in the world some have a dragon they are battling on the inside. Some days I feel better than others but it is all the good natural food and vitamins showing. So, if by some chance I put you off for something I may have had a full plate and didn’t have a side dish to fill up.

Life hands us things maybe not so much for us to be punished but to learn some lessons. I have learned to be patience with others and know that life hands us challenges to have empathy for others. As I’m writing this ironically the song “Patience” by Guns and Roses plays on my internet radio station. I don’t wish the joys of living with pain on anyone no matter who they maybe. For those of you who may have a one year old kid I feel for ya also. Watching my grandson is a challenge but so worth it. Those times I went on those crazy hikes with my family and friends was worth the days of recovery from it by far. Live life, Love, laugh for we know not how tomorrow will turn out. Hug your friends and family. Remember God is at the helm and we are only here for a short time.

Link: The Spoon Theory

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Maybe the toss of the coin.

We are challenged to search out the best in all things in life. In 1776 a group of men worked diligently to draft documents of greatness. We are faced today with the same mountain as they. We must search out the good honest men and women to serve in the public eye. We need to do all we can to learn about the people and the issues that will affect us. Above all else we need to seek insight and guidance in prayer to find the best answers as to what and who we need to help our country to remain free. It is up to us to use that voting right. Some say it is useless to cast a vote at all but we should keep in mind that God has given us the right and by not doing so we show him we have no faith in his power to change things for good. I would add that if we vote in fear for what one element could do and not for honest people and principles we further show we have no faith that God can change things either. We must keep in mind that many a great leader in history prayed diligently for insight, strength, and help to further a cause for freedom. I will in no way tell anyone who or what to believe and vote for. My only hope is that all people will take time to learn diligently and pray sincerely as to things of good that would make those men of yester year who gave up much for us would look down upon us with thanks for doing our best to seek out the best we can with faith not fear. Fear is a feeling that should only remind us to act with faith.

Some would want you to believe that evil is on both hands and we must choose the lesser of the two but what would God have you do? Pray to God to know the honest choice and make it whatever that choice may be. It may seem at times like the only way to really decide is to have a toss of the coin.  The only true wasted vote is a vote not cast in faith. If in faith, we feel compelled to cast a vote we show God where our faith maybe. The only way for evil to prevail is for good men to stand idly by and do nothing. If we fear evil to the point of throwing our faith aside we fail to apply the things God has given to us to decide the good, better, and best that can be. Prayer, faith, and honesty go hand in hand. Put things to the ultimate test and seek out the options, pray sincerely to God for insight, and then act with faith as to the best to be of the best use for God. Some insight might also be to ask can God effectively work with this person or idea? If by some way we find our self-second guessing something maybe, we must put it back to the test and find some amount of peacefulness with the spirit. Be careful not to allow the fear of others to stop us from acting according to the best dictates of our own consciences. There are many a naysayer of good and honest. When God sees our faith, he will bless us accordingly.

I urge people everywhere to get involve in their communities, state, and country. Seek good and honest people to be in the public eye. If your so inclined run for office. I would however caution anyone with a barn full of skeletons too put a great deal of thought in to it first. If you are some one tampering with the honesty of the voting system, man may not know but God does. Above all remember the sacrifice of many that pledged their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor that we could have the freedoms that we do. Live for good and stand for correct principles and right whatever that is. Put Sincerity in prayer!

Monday, October 24, 2016


It has been a spell since I posted but I have been adding lots of stuff to the list with the adventures of kids tying the knot, new grand kid, road tripping, and changes to the place by the Hollar.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Was it coincidence or a divine intervention.

Was it coincidence or a divine intervention.

Years have come and gone from some dark times and much has changed for me. Today is a marking of time that changed where I was to where I am. I had lots of thoughts during that dark time that many a person can relate too. I wanted to change, I wanted to die, I wanted to live, I wanted to be happy, I wanted understanding, I wanted help, I wanted to be left alone, I wanted acceptance, I wanted to believe in a higher power, and many more.
Of all the places I so wanted to be in my life it was to be in a good place in my mind. Some would tell me “well you have been in tons of places.” That is true physically I have been lots of places. But at a time of darkness I wasn’t mentally, emotionally, and spiritually balanced in my life. Being in some of the most breathtaking places in the world is very meaningless when your soul is at war with itself.
Being fully directed in life doesn’t come solely by the instruction and direction of people, but by having a deep connection with a power greater than man or this world. Great instructions by others around us can point us to that source of power, but the connection is up to us to make happen. So hence there is no chemical or physical solution to a spiritual problem. That connection has been an intrical part of my change of heart and soul.

Those days I thought to end it, something came to stop me.  Was it coincidence or a divine intervention of sorts? Some may bat that one around some, but for me I know. Was it because there was more for me and my life that needed to be written? Was it to help me or some other person to crawl out of a dark hole of despair and pain? Either way a lot has happened in those years. I can say with all my soul there is a strong power in darkness, but the power of things in the light is greater by trillions.
I think each year as I reflect today about the struggle of a man named Alma. He struggled with the darkness of soul, and came to grasp the light and comfort of that power of light in his change of mind and soul. If his life can be changed, then there must be some hope in a world trying to persuade us to have no faith in a power of light greater than all. Alma’s words “I racked, even with the pains of a damned soul”. He was racked as some of us have been or are yet until his mind caught hold of the name of the King of light. His problem was a spiritual one too.
I have come to know many a person who have found this light in their lives. We all may have a slight difference of our practice of worship of this King of power and light, but we know of his grace, love, understanding, and power. For he walked that path in darkness as he prepared to cross from this life to the next. The dark one does his best to push doubt in our minds as to the love of the King of light because we feel we can’t be worthy of his love. In spite of our flaws of character, weaknesses, and down falls he is forgiving of us. We are human and stumble as we live our imperfect lives the best we can.

I have traveled many a steep path on adventures with places of high grander and places of splendor and peace. Being in those places with a soul filled with light, understanding, and peace has been an enlightenment of greatness that there is a powerful God or Higher power that is with us. There are a few other places with the same peacefulness and sacred reverence.

For someone that may be struggling with your soul take hope you not alone. For those that have struggled and found hope to change, congratulations on your change. Do not put that “period” in your life keep it open to more for there is more unwritten. Use every day as a “semicolon” and add a new page, a new chapter, and a new book to your series of life each and every day. Add in the story adventures with good friends, family, and new faces you meet along the way. Connect with that power of greater light that your life maybe enhanced and filled with understanding. Share with others hope and love that they are not alone. The real prize for the fight of sobriety and serenity, is waking up not in jail, institutionalized, or planted in the grave and remembering that our lives are good. We have not failed if we but keep trying to succeed. Live laugh love!

Saturday, September 3, 2016

What stink'n hill

What stink’n hill

Yes, once again another year older and thankfully NOT deeper in debt. My kids have razzed me in the past about some hill they say I went up and over. What hill? I didn’t see no stink’n hill. Maybe that is why I have a like for canyons your already on the downhill side of things so ya can't fall quite so far when ya stumble. It does pain me some to think where I would be if I had not changed one or two things in life and taken a different path hiking in this life. It is a great blessing along that path to have with you some awesome traveling companions. Some you find and they become everything to you. Others they help you get over the boulders in the path. They all teach us that we have something more to give. Old friends and new friends and yes we meet one now and then that is a lesson. We are told the best way to live is finding joy in the journey and not the destination. New friends, old friends, crazy friends, real friends, dear friends they find us often in the most magical ways. In the five plus decades I have seen a few paths some smooth and some steep an rocky. The best growth in life will always be on the path going uphill and over the hardest of crags. Don’t pray for less challenges but for the strength, knowledge, and gear to get through them. “It is not the mountains that we conquer but ourselves”-Edmund Hillary.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Being an accepting pioneer.

Being an accepting pioneer.

July 24th 2016

Yes, as this weekend comes and goes, there are many outside of the state I reside in and most of those in the state that in some fashion or another celebrate the history of a pioneering people. Some in the world have no idea what this is all about, but let me dip into it just the same. First you must ask the question: what is a pioneer? Simply, it is someone that goes forth in a quest to travel, explore, or discover the unknowing and new. I think of the masses of people that ventured from far places, crossing oceans and land to find a new life. I remember a few years back going with a group of others, mostly youth, to do a trek reenactment. Before going, I read a book, Fire and the Covenant, about a group from the 1800’s that suffered a great fate while traveling across the territory we know now as Wyoming with handcarts. I might add that since then I have read a lot of other books that include pioneers of one sort or another. I’m kind of a history nut. I kind of have a family connection to the handcart group, so it grabbed me a bit. Not every group that traveled across the world had ill-fated circumstances but they all had some forms of challenges, whether that was: missing animals needed to survive, broken wagons/handcarts and other equipment, sickness and death of some, or lack of needed food. Many left their lives of wealth, and others not so much. They went with only the things they could carry, push, pull, or pack in a space no bigger than a backpack. Now days, many of us find it hard to find a way to up root and move with multiple big trucks and a few cars. Whatever the reason that stirred in these people to do this, it had to be strong. I stand in awe of what they did. They were welcomed in by some accepting pioneers who had little to give but a warm hand shake and a seat by the fire. These people crossed every culture and station of life, and young and old alike.

So let me jump a bit to a group of pioneers I call “rock solid type”. A few years back, I spent some time in an area by Escalante Utah. Those of you that know this area know the “Hole in the rock road”. You can Google this to get an idea as to the pure rough nature of the area. At the time that these pioneers ventured out to this area, it was untouched by the wheels of a wagon. These people had settled in different places in the territory, after crossing plains, mountains, and rivers, only to up root and venture out some more. Now day the road leaves many a person seat-sore, to put it nicely. Some of the descriptions from those that traveled it called it a road that would have put the fear of God in the Devil himself. I have walked down some of the steep cuts in the canyons and edges. And yes, they are just that rough. The pioneers had to have some “rock solid stuff” to go out on another adventure after maybe just getting rested up from the last one. There had to be even more driving them than a new land to live in. The road/trail they carved took a few years, and it is miraculous that not more than a few ill-fated events happened to them.

There are people in our day and time that have a lot of “rock solid stuff.” We have friends, family, and people we meet in this adventure called life. After a spell of years in one part of the state, we pulled up roots about a year ago and moved on north, leaving behind memories made with a bunch of “rock solid” peeps. We have crossed the trail with many good peeps here and have had some welcoming pioneers accept us for the peeps we are. We hopped between a few different church groups in the past year. In one of those groups, there was an accepting clergyman and his helpers that, in spite of the raw and rough look of myself, were and have been great (more rock solid peeps). Those helpers at the door of a new congregation with a friendly smile, a hand shake and a welcoming word. This brings to mind the story of our nick name. At a church gathering we met many peeps, but we happen to sit with a younger couple and a lady who was slightly older than us. We introduced ourselves and they joked about us being “Bonnie and Clyde”. The name kind of took. We were new and they were trying to be more active in the church. We all became new accepting pioneer friends. We have come across many others as we hopped around the area. Some are accepting of the rough-looking, old feller next door or across the street. The old, crazy soul willing to help a youth program get up off the ground. Whatever it may be, we need to be accepting pioneers in our life; whether that is the person that sits by us in the dentist waiting room, the store checkout line, or the bench in church. Maybe even being the new person on the block is a pioneering adventure of teaching others to also be accepting of change.

May we remember the past and work harder to be as some “Rock solid” accepting pioneers of history and be ever more accepting of each other. 

Thursday, July 21, 2016

What’s up with that?!

What’s up with that?!

In the years that social media has been around there are some things that I have seen, found, agree with, and feel to be needed with it. So here it goes peeps. By all means keep in mind I’m a dabbler with this too. With this I add up front that I had some helpful thoughts and ideas with this rant of sorts from some friends and family. Here it goes……..

Posting items and comments: Something’s are not worth the re-share. I mean really! Look at the content of the message is it surrounded by things that are not very noteworthy. Does it have derogatory, vulgar, obscene, or hateful terms? If so maybe your friends would like it better if you didn’t add it to cross their news feed. You could at best fix it up some when possible. I admit there are items that with some fixing can put the intended message a crossed but leave the ugh out of the share. Keep in mind I have seen many a post in the years I have been on the net. Ya’ll might note that some of the items are not obvious on the page. The comments add to a post or about a post can add to or seriously subtract the point of the post also. More about comments to come on this rant of mine. I would add to this the hash tag drop too. Two may be tree are not seen as far out there but adding more than five may very well put peeps to sleep. Pictures are great but if you want your friends out there to see the pics as you intended it add some explanation to it or for all the others in the world your dear aunt Martha is just some elderly lady you have a pic of. I say that laughing because on many occasion someone has shared a profile pic of me with no descriptive explaining and so others are left to wonder if one of us fell down and bumped our heads.

Sharing filters: Not everyone has this figured out yet but it is a common thing. There are different settings to specifically target the people we want to see the items we present on our pages (Each media page and linking is different in set up). Some if not most have settings like public, friends, restricted, group geared, close friends, and just me. So let me try to use as few of crayons as possible to explain this. If something is “public” at the start and you share it everyone on your friends will see it if you share it with the “public” share option. There is usually a drop down menu for the option either at the top or bottom of the item as you go to share it. Now if the item is marked as “friends” before sharing it will be friends of the person you are friends with only when shared via the “friends” share option. Mind you the only way this can be changed from “friends” to “public” is for the person that posted the originating post to change it. If you share an item that is originally “friends” only and put it as “public” it remains “friends” only. Why would this be a big deal to know any of this? Well there are postings that peeps try to share with a group and if the setting is not “public” the posting has “Attachment Unavailable” a crossed the posting. As for the other settings I will just briefly hit them. Group geared means those in a group will see your posting as long as you set the filter to public share and the item is public or you have complete rain of it. Restricted and close friends are groups of friends you set up on your friends list. Of course the just me is a no brainer.
Selfies and look I don’t know how to dress: I could see a selfie now and then with some kind of super cool things around you and no help to run the camera. Group combo selfies are kind of a given but don’t over bore your friends because then they may see you in a whole now look as somewhat narcissistic. Now about the dress thing some pics go without saying you should may be add a few clothes. Just say’n!

Comments and replying: as much as some peeps could use a bit of schooling on some things giving a piece of your mind may very well be an expression of your social skill level. I saw the other day a thrashing on a post by a few peeps over an idea that I’m pretty sure they all took the wrong way. Now mind you I did my best as I could not to side jump the situation but had it been a group or page that I mediate or administer I would had nipped it in the bud. By jumping up and down on some ones post you can very well come a crossed as mean, and rude. Plus, I would add if names get flying you can come across as narcasistical also. I would say comments and reply posting are pretty much the same items. If someone is asking for help and fishing for information to better view something adding comments with links is a good thing to add illustrations to the item but do not add to shove a point it drops your level on the field. I heard it put once in a kid’s movie “If you can’t say something nice don’t say nothing at all”.

Liking and adding Emoji’s: I would say if it is a good thing let someone know you’re ok with it. There are many more ways of expressing things now that we didn’t have a number of years ago to express like, dislike, love it, and so on. You can express a lot just in the one click that it makes words kind of useless. Be careful as to the kinds of things also because by adding a face sticking out the tongue it can get the wrong expression in some countries of the world. Now there is a thought here also considering there is a few variations for narcissism. Unless your posting is super unique in some way my kids have told me it is not good to like all of your own postings. Some peeps may be on their small screen and not be paying attention to the listing as it comes up on a news feed. If so you are forgiven for that.

Friend requests: Yes, this is an interesting linking for us all. I see a dozen or so requests each week for people all over the world. I don’t mind having friends everywhere and it adds perspective to the news feed. However, unless we have meet in person in order for me personally to feel ok with adding someone I kind of like to know more than the name of the person. Send a message with enough information to allow someone to know it is not a hacker or troll. Keep in mind that not all settings on your page lets someone see your time line etc.

Messaging: I see often peeps post that they have a new phone and number. Then they add the number in the post for the world to see. Keep in mind where your share settings are for the post. If it is public the world has your number and anything else your sharing. Best to put somethings in a message.

Final thoughts: I would say be cautious in what and how things appear on you pages due to the difficulty to back up once you have gone with something. The digital foot print that we drop as bread crumbs can show up in places we would not care to have them. I read a while ago about someone that decided to change things on their social media pages but thy were viewed already as someone fully vested in a rut to the point they could not just change things over night. They suggested that you have three options in this, one was to gradually curve the posts you share back some, second was to drop all social media for an extended period of time, and third was to drop off the grid until any one that knows you at all has passed on. It can be a great thing peeps to share with your family, friends, and the people out there that you have connected with in some way. Use it to better the world, raise awareness, change the way we see things, open our minds and hearts to the good.