Sunday, October 25, 2015

Fences, Barbwire, and hung up.

Fences, barbwire, and hung up. Some summer in Provo.

They say great fences have good posts, good field mesh, and yes barbwire. Summer time fun was always a trip or two to the pond. You can bet we didn't walk the road like most people would have. Over the fences and through the woods to the play ground with the rope swing. We went there often and things where a blast. You never expect things to go wrong when you're about to have a good time. The first fence is never a problem but everything changes with the last one. Half way over the top my foot made the choice to leave the cross post and drop me on the top wire. By now I’m thinking going under the fence like I had done many times before may have had better results. Some of you country folks could probably relate to a few ingenious predicaments of your own. Yes as you could guess headed to the pond I was adorned in swim’n get up too. So I’m yelling for help and hearing the laughs of the others as I hang there. At this point I know I have those mean barbs grabbing my shorts and shirt but at least once had my upper leg. Doing my best not to let the others know I’m not a wimp and start the crying thing. All the while doing the desperate wriggle to find that cross post with my unwilling stupid foot. After more wriggling than a snake racing for a hole to hide in my foot makes contacted with the post. I look down at the wire and my leg, UGH! I grabbed the fence tight as my head started to spin out of crazy. Carefully I worked to get the mean prong out of my leg and the thought came to me what are you doing. Then it hit me people bleed to death in the middle of nowhere land. The others attempted to help me free the shirt and shorts all the while telling me you don’t looks so good. After sitting down for a good spell I considered the situation and that the pond was not a great idea for this day. Patting Lucky on the back those mean thorns grazed a few other spots but didn’t impel but once and missing some serious spots by a few hundredths of an inch. Made my way back to the house thinking how lucky that was.

Some after notes for sure for the fence adventure. Don’t get distracted when you’re about to hop the fences of life.  It’s that time of distraction that things happen and things reach out and grab us. Even good fences have some meanness to them and need to be treated with an element of caution. Not every step we use to get over the hurdles in life is good and put us in the best place. Some of those steps we use or take leave us hung out to dry. Barbwire is great for encouraging livestock to stay in place but not human body friendly. That we often are used as accidental entertainment by others that don’t realize the extent of our pain at the time. Scars are reminders for the next time that not all bad situations are deadly. Always keep control of your emotions in the heat of the situation but when you get free of it let it go. Always hope those with you are capable of helping get un-hung or out of trouble and back on good ground. When things go wrong and they will, breathe and roll with it because things do happen. Changing direction or ways over the fence do come with new challenges and they will always change us. Prayer is a key element of change and God kind of likes to help us when things aren't going well and we are caught on the barbwire in life.


  1. The way I've been getting over the fence is not working for me anymore. I'm ready to change it up.

  2. The way I've been getting over the fence is not working for me anymore. I'm ready to change it up.
