Monday, September 28, 2015

Craziness we call Benson.

So I get a call one day in early spring from the district representative for high adventure training for the scouting program. They were looking for help with planning a Kodiak training camp for the 14 to 17 year old boys for the Cedar Breaks area. They wanted to have a high adventure activity using Climbing and Rappelling. Their first thought was to have them go on a canyoning experience and we made arrangements to explore a possible area with some other rope junkies. We met on a Tuesday afternoon and made our way to the area with five of us geared to the ready. The first part of the hike seemed long and one of the others remarked that there is a shorter route but it had lots of hazardous stuff that may not be suitable for scouts and other groups. As we got to the top of the ridge we rested and found the trail (old wagon road). We stopped a few times along this part of the trail to look down at the road far below us noting we were possibly a good thousand feet above it. There is also on the other side of the canyon a formation of rock that is large and promenade called the hole in the rock. About twenty five minutes or so latter after bush whacking around some we managed to find the desired canyon. The dropping phase of this trip included four rappels ranging for 50’ to 110’ down waterfalls of the slot canyon. Easy half mile on a good path walk back to the road. This was just the start of the craziness we call Benson Creek.

Many a year or two has passed since that day in 2008. We have been to the area so much that it has become a quiet home away from home. We have since also placed a few Geocaches along the way to add to the adventure. Some trips have been in the early spring when the water is flowing higher and making for an outrageous experience. Other trips later in the year not as much water but fun none the less. Although the Kodiak camp experience was changed and we used a different venue, finding Benson Creek was a great trade off. There have been trips with scouts to Benson Canyon. 

One of the biggest statements about it came on the first trip there by my good wife. After hiking for ever she was not thinking much of the whole thing until we had dropped down the first waterfall and her whole mood changed. The statement of “you can’t have a bad mood for long walking in the woods” Not sure where it’s from or who said it. Something changes for many people when you get to play in the water where few people have been. She has been back so many times now that it must have left some kind of spot with her that is good. We have had graduation hikes, challenge hikes, things to prove hikes, birthday hikes, and many others in Benson. We have taken family, people we even consider family, many friends and new friends. There have been lots of diversity in the groups we have taken as well. Some groups of people from many states and some countries out in the world. Some interesting tidbits on this placed that happened or are ongoing. 

A tradition that started not long after going a second time was placing a rock or two on a stack on the top of the ridge. With that in mind, we stopped to rest and look down on one trip and a friend Sara started a rock pile. That same trip we came a crossed a small rattler at the bottom of the first Rappel. He was dazed and confused to the point of not caring much that we were there either. We came had and surprise one trip finding a house cat at the top of the first Rappel once also. Once crossing the upper meadow we spooked a large buck with a rack that any hunter would have been drooling over  with a good herd of deer running him. The meadow still has a few remaining things of years gone by when a man named Benson had a saw mill there. Very often we would encounter many shocked and camera happy people as we would make the last Rappel on our exit. Many people come to this area to hike and enjoy the lower area known to many as Hidden Haven not knowing that the greatest of water falls is deep in the canyon out of reach of the rest of the world with out a trusty rope.

There have many names of some of the crazies that have joined us on the hike of fame. There are a few cool birds we call Gull, some one that runs and likes to Dash, Dave’s not here, Let Mickey, The Wind, and many more. May the craziness live on long with the next generation of crazies! The connection of a soul is most often found in connecting with the wilds of nature. There is some solitude in the confines of a canyon that is narrow and deep. That is a short clip of the craziness we call Benson.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Twelve and beyond!

Twelve- “Having had a spiritual awakening as a result of these steps, we tried to carry this message to addicts, and to practice these principles in all our affairs” The Steps. After many years of working to understand my issues and character flaws, I now can help others to work past theirs. Every day we make changes in our lives some good and some of them not so good. Those changes lead us down the paths of life. Every day of sobriety is a mile stone. For some that day may be small but good, but for others it is as a climb to the top of a 28,000 foot mountain. Each minute, hour, and day that someone is clean and sober is a victorious day in the battle with the dragons we face. I have learned much about the ins and outs of how addictions work and what it takes to beat it at every turn. Addictions stem far deeper than Drugs, Food, Sex, Porn, Gaming, Etc. You have to find the deep rooted core issue and pain and turn it around first. Some would say that”oh it is just in your head”, or “just snap out of it, duh” and yes you are part right. The pain that drives it and the effects of THIQ are in the head. I also know that it is a relationship issue also. It is how a person feels about themselves, others, and their Higher Power. I have seen addiction described as a deep dark old well with where the bottom changes continually. Some people holding on to the rope and bucket for all they can but never hitting rock bottom. Floundering with the rope needing to let go and trust in a power beyond them to help them back from the darkness. Those that flounder day after day without change are those that very well will be those that remain active in their plight or pass with death as the dragon takes them. Often those that flounder are expecting an instant fix or someone else to rescue them from their plight. It isn’t until they find the bottom and learn their core issues that they can work to rebuild and recover. Finding the courage to be open and honest about issues is by far one of the hardest things we face in life but once we do we can move forward. Some of the most difficult workings of the heart is inventorying our lives and coming to know the core issues of why we are what we are and how to change our path. Yes I would say that there are a great many times that this process can loyally suck to say the least but it can be done. When we do find recovery we must remind ourselves “just for today”....I will make every day count, even if I have to take it “One day at a time.” Finding that relationship with our God and realizing that in spite of the flaws we have and the mistakes we make we have his love to hold us. When have found peace with our lives. We can then help others to look inside of themselves and to the love of god to change their hearts and lives. It is by helping others that we then come to know that we are not alone in our lives and struggles. I will not say that I do not at times doubt in my thinking and live and that I still do not have fear at some point. There are still many things that bring me discomfort and things I don’t do to make that discomfort less but I try daily to fight my insecurities. God is great!

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Be kind

My mind and my shoes have traveled my miles and have stories to tell. Some have been easy and some have been hard but all have been a learning experience just the same. Some people often say how about you have a walk for a mile or two in my shoes? Or just live for a day in my head and see how that grabs you. Thanks but no thanks on their shoes, I already have lots of my own that hate me and try to hurt me. As far as being in someone else’s head well maybe but only if it comes with a guaranty of no more head ache pain. We all have our battles to fight and roads to walk. Some peeps you can see the battle they have very clearly at a first glance. Yet others it is something a bit more covered up and hard to spot. So no matter where you are and who you meet, be kind. 

Sunday, September 20, 2015

Life offers many choices.

Life offers us so many choices.

 Many of them are good and even great. Yet there are some that have darkness and pain that follow them. We are given agency and what we do with it is entirely up to us. Some of those good and great choices may very well include being a good citizen, marring someone with great ideals, and raising kids that know and understand respect for themselves and others. We often make our choices based on our fears and not on what is the best choice. There is a place for fear in our lives, but only a small one. Many times in my life I found myself making those choices from fear. Not too many years ago, I was able to understand my own core issues to the point of changing fear to faith.  Some of those fear issues for me are large crowds of people, being front and center in a crowd, public speaking, rejection, and the common one for most others too, being judged by others. Needless to say because of these issues I chose to make some not so good choices. Finding that I could become hooked by some of the ways of the great Dragon himself. Now that I understand those fears and issues, I’m able to make better choices for me and my family. Thankfully, I had a friend that helped me along a path of recovery, working with me on those steps and realizing my need for change. I still fight daily with the doubts that come because of the Dragon bargaining for his next chance to take me down. Yes, and I still do not like large crowds of people and speaking in public forums, but the vises of the Dragon are behind me. I have come to understand the love of God and Christ in my life and know they love me, in spite of my many flaws and weaknesses.

I’m in awe of the marvelous power by God to help us in this life and Ammon tells it great in Alma 26:11-12. All we can do is take life “One day at a time” and live it to the fullest. I have faith that I can do things even though now and then I do doubt myself and experience some fear of the unknown.

Thursday, September 17, 2015



Yeppers at some point I had to write about the basic element of living at my house, chocolate. As far back as I can recall I liked the tasty brown gold. My mother, grandmother and so on back in time had a taste bud or two that fancied the stuff. So it’s in my blood and many of my kids. One of my kids claims to not care for it much but we think it is a gilt centered thing. A few years ago on a Mother’s Day he was given some chocolate to give to his mom. Well the poem she received said this “Roses are red, violets are blue. I ate your chocolate, saving none for you”. The bag had the remains of the foil from the sweet stuff but not a trace of the good stuff. Not to worry the kid has not passed it on to the next generation at this point. The other kids of mine do not have a problem indulging in the fine eats. I kind of fancy the dark variety of chocolate. One of my daughters likes her chocolate dark so we must have some of the same DNA taste buds the same. The present collection of grand kids have the good influence to enjoy the tasty good stuff from both of the grandparents and some great grandparents. Contrary to the thinking of many some chocolate is not the same and not all high priced chocolate is smooth and tasty. But don’t worry if someone tells you that you shouldn’t enjoy it just enlighten them as to the many health benefits of the good stuff. Balancing blood pressure, balancing moods, balancing low magnesium levels, Added levels of Vitamin D-3, just to list a few. Be sides my Doctor friend told me I need more magnesium, because I was lacking it a lot. So rather than going against doctor’s orders I enjoy me a few ounces of the gold every day. In the words of my mother “doctor mom” “my body wants it”. So go ahead enjoy some whether it’s M&M’s, Special Dark Hersey’s, or some Raisinets, “Just do it!”

Monday, September 14, 2015

Wrestling with objects in a wonderland of white.

Wrestling with objects in the wonderland of white. After many years of doing crazy stuff in the out of doors I have slowed down a bit and decided to blog about life’s adventures. I always wondered why I liked to find the next rush of adrenaline and yet I didn’t care much for the cold. Tubes, boards, sleds, and yes an old car hood or two made for some serious fun. I’m reminded of a few good stories we read and shared at the condo in the hills from Patrick McManus. I remember he called some things a pleasant misery in his stories of the wonders of life. I can honestly say I cuddled up in fast motion to my share of brush and trees. Some serious things happen when you have your feet tightly fastened to items of sure death and destruction. Yes I play hooky many a good day of school to carve the fresh laid white on the hills. Large many of us were called “The out of control ski patrol” and “The rag time ski team”. It’s hard to stay away from the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat. Racing the gates on the NASTAR and trying for air from the ledges. The snow snakes and bogies loomed about waiting for their shot at us and laughing when they did. Yet even when we found ourselves face down in the cold white we always found the need to jump back in for more. In the end we always could place the blame of this insanity on our well meaning mother. Snow skiing was a kind of way of life for her growing up in the Doner area of the Cali. This craziness has spread for years from Mom to kids, grandkids, great grandkids, and on and on….. Even on those times that we didn’t head to the mountains, we found snow and a large slide in the yard to challenge us. Yes it is a family that relishes in the crazy and not limited to just the boys.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Brushes with the death star.

Brushes with the death side.

Thinking back on my life I am amazed that I survived at all. Brushes with the death side of things came early on in my life. About two or three years in to life we were camping near Flaming Gorge. Not sure as to the details but the story is I tripped and fell as most young kids do. Not landing in the best of places but landing none the less in the fire. Came out good in the end considering that we where miles from nowhere and no where close to a hospital.
One day a few years’ later (Maybe 4 years) walking across the road to home. Small toy rifle in hand I crossed the road not seeing the car. Toy flying from my hands and a blur passing fast. It was close and I didn’t even realize it was that much so until I was older. I would say this is brush number two but I can’t place the time frame on some of the things of the past.
With the time frame jumping as it has I also remember a large and rather mean rooster that attacked me in there some place. It leads more to the explanation of why I gag on eating meat of the fowl variety.
Cars, Trucks, and Motorcycles and I have had some rather fright filled times as well. From rolling over to head on and in to the trees and brush on two wheels. Bicycles aren’t safe either.
Those that would think playing with ropes can be just as close of calls too. Smashed fingers and face, cracked helmets, and a few thrilling rope stops on occasion. Some would say I had a kind of death wish but I have thrived on adrenaline. Yes I would say it is one of the notches ya get in your walking stick born in to a family of thrill seekers. May have some light to shine on things when ya look at the other self destructive behaviors I’ve had.

Yes ya have to add in the water and snow skiing, snowboarding, and tubing/sledding with stories for another day.
Not forgetting the one big one and the numerous other times of being burned and zapped by the wired monster called electricity. The big zap will take a post of its own. People often talk about the things they see in half way passing to the other side. It is a thing you don’t soon forget and most of the time try too.

It is the stuff that we fear most that we often hide and run from. Yes there have been many brushes and near passes to the other side. But knowing as I do now the love of a very loving God. I have come to not fear the reaper so to speak but have some peace. I do know that I was saved for some reason and still aloud to be here. Although life can give us a pretty wild ride, all we can do is sit down, shut up, and enjoy the ride.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Rambling around the birthday.

Just felt the need to ramble on the birthday.

Looking back I can see that I must surely of had the hand of a greater power helping me to live this long. I’m glad to say another year older and maybe a bit wiser. So much to look back and be grateful for in the years I have been alive. I have found a deep love and connection with God. I met and married an awesome lady that believes in me. Six awesome and always inspiring kids with many others that I claim also. Great friends that I have met along the path of life. Many that came along when the trail became steep and dangerous and helped me learned to hang on just one more day. And those friends that I met when we were having some totally awesome adventures. Always great to be above ground and smelling the Daisies not pushing them up. God loves us all! One day at a time!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Sanctity of marriage.

Considering the amount of craziness in the media about the sanctity of marriage and the need for strong family bonds. I’m not jumping on the band wagon to slap those on the other side of the line. I do however have a few things to say about it.
Family can be the best but sometimes the most frustrations. The good times with the family are more than just a small thing. For me my family is a lot of things that cannot be just described in few words. Some of my early issues in life were family. I have come to grips with most of that now. Many times life is filled with the joys which it should be. We need bonds of family to hold our society together. With that being said we must do our part to keep the family strong.

Marriage is being down played greatly and we continue to see it beaten down on every side. Hackers exposed million that openly considered breaking theirs or others vows within the past few weeks. Is marriage become not so important to our world in general? Maybe to some. I can tell you that it can be a challenge but after twenty five plus years it has to be worked at daily. My wife has put up with some of the biggest parts of this crazy one. We have crossed a lot of bumpy ground and yet we come out closer. Marriage between a man and a women is ordained of God has been from the beginning and will be forever. I love my wife dearly.