What is a key day? Well, it is……
What is a key day? Why is it
important? Well, call it a birthday of sorts. Many of the world might even call
it a first day of a new life. Clean date. Sober date. What ever it is you call it;
it is just that and more. If you see one these medallions or chips just know it
came from not one but many rounds in the ring with twelve steps to change what
was to what is.
We all have a story in life. Some stories have
the dark with the light and those that have walked that path are some of the strongest
people I know. “I’ve never met a strong person with an easy past”.
“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to
change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.”
You may
not be in a problem that forces you to make a change but the twelve steps have
helped many a soul with just the every day run of the mill life pit falls also.
Maybe just grab a problem and run it for a test with the steps and see where it
takes ya.
What ever happens with you know this fact that
I have come to know. God is there, he is real, and loves us.