Sunday, March 20, 2016

Bully and a rope.

A bully and a strong rope!

It is a rare thing when you get to assist Karma with her job but sometimes it does happen. For many years there was this troublesome soul that did his best to torment others and he left a few marks on me and a few rope playing jokers that I hung around with. He touted us often about being wimps and of course pansies. Being the tuff pansies (pansies are hardy flowers) that we were we dreamed up an ingenious plan to set him up with a scare of a life time. We took him along on a trip to our favorite rock location near Buckskin Charley picnic area. Nice big rock with a drop on to a picnic table and fire pit. We figured we had enough rope to for sure tie the end off at the bottom to the table when the time was right. The table was one of those monster forest camp tables made with deeds of this sort in mind. Made of heavy lumber and large blocks of concrete poured in place so they wouldn't grow legs and walk away. We figured a few times down the rope and he would not suspect a thing. We rappelled for an hour or two getting the bait lured in to the trap. Then we used the key words to start the big set up. Getting hungry for the drive in was brought up and then the victim was in the trap. About half way down the cliff we pulled the rope super hard and tight and made use of the perfect location of the picnic table by tying the rope off to it. By this time the bully knew he was in a rather pinnacle of a spot with no way up or down. We proceeded to ruff up the bully as he hissed threats and call us things as we readied things to go get a burger and return later from town.

 He reminded me of a cat hung up in a tree high on a branch to scared to fall or climb back down, arms and legs clinging to the rope. We went to the truck and made noises like we were getting in and leaving. We had been planning a great hiding spot to watch the fun and listen to him panic. The bully hung for a spell and started to plead that we would just please let him down. After a while we decided to give in and let him down but that he would promise everything to never bother us or anyone else ever again. By the time the school year started he had moved away and we hoped he wouldn't return any time soon.

Since then I have come to understand the things that drive some people to act out as a bully. Yes I would say it was a far too extreme away to deal with a problem. There may well be some better ways with less hazardous possibilities for disaster. Think for a bit about how we treat others or have. How do we go about fixing things we may have done to someone or others that we feel bad about. Yeppers I made good with this one but I have lots more to fix up, I'm sure. Some advice for the bullies of the world beware of peeps with long and strong ropes. Add to that peeps that geocache. Those are people that have the potential to assist Karma in some way or another. Please don't try this method of bully enlightening it could be hazardous in some way or another. I don't recommend fighting a bully but if it happens to you stand your ground or maybe run. If you’re that bully that goes to start something make sure you’re prepared to change your shorts things could get messy.

Things to think about...

Sunday, March 13, 2016


Roll with it!

Roll with it!

In twenty something years you come to know many people and have a hard time pulling up stakes and moving. Some people we have come to know by the way they serve others in their life. One family we came to know in that time because the kids of the family were good leaders in the area and had a way of making our family feel important to others around them. Add to that that the mother of the family can cook so awesomely that Martha Stewart would be an amateur. We had many a blessing of the bread and other baked goods of her hands. Great people that helped me to know that even the hardest times can be the best of times. Many of the people in the area came to know us personally and that we are just people trying to make it through life and see if we can understand how it all works. We had many great adventures with the people of the area. We do miss lots of those people greatly and they will always be a big part of our lives and the lives of our kids. May God ever bless the people of the City of Enoch of our day.
For the past few months we have been as a ship sailing around an island looking for the best place to drop anchor and venture a shore. We have met many good hearted people who would love it if we would stay in their neighborhoods. Of course our son is always wishing us just a bit closer to them than we are. I have to say the hanging with the grand kids is always fun and enjoyable. We are still trying to get used to the empty nester life. We get a good kick when we go to church and people wonder where are family is. Don’t worry they caught us long enough to get us to do the unthinkable and speak in church. I would say I’m set for the next five years and as far as that again (speaking in public is not on my list again anytime soon). I would just as soon fall in a freezing cold pool of water or face a rattle snake in a slot canyon. We are kind of keeping the door open to things over the next few months to see what the Lord has in mind for us but that is how we roll with it in life.

Don’t ever think when you’re planted some place that it is where you will be for the rest of your life or even die there because God has a way of making the wind stop blowing so to speak and having your caravan pick up and move on. We keep asking what it is he has in store for us and maybe we will get to see it soon enough. For now we will just have to have the faith of many an explore in the history of the world that push on knowing there is something more out there to see and do.